Thursday, April 29, 2010

Season 3 Episode 1: The Trouble with Jane

Casey tells Nash and Dr. Mancuso about Jane - one of the ghosts who appears at the museum - and how she came there because of him. The problem is that someone else now appears to be interested in Casey... and Jane.

Tales From The Museum, Season 3, Episode 1: The Trouble with Jane
(23:31, 27.1 MB mp3, released 2010.04.29)

Written by Charles Russell

Featured in this episode were:

Perry Whittle as Keith Nash
Alasdair Stuart as Casey
Amanda Fitzwater as Dr. Helene Mancuso
Eleiece Krawiec as  Anna
Rebecca Thrasher as Jane
and Cap'n John Tadrzak as Dr. Stein

Original music composed by Joey Stuckey and Kevin MacLeod
This series is produced by Elie Hirschman
Post-production work by Greg Wilkinson

The executive producer for Darker Projects is Eric Busby

The National Transportation Safety Board advises motorists not to pick up hitchhikers. Especially ones that glow.